Biodynamic agriculture has been established since 1924 with series of 8 lectures in Koberwitz, Germany. Intensive monoculture production in the post-war years quickly depleted the soil and reduced the quantity and quality of the harvest. To this need for the revival of agricultural production, Rudolf Steiner gave guidelines for dealing with the problems that arose with the implementation of the "Agricultural Course" - the foundations of biodynamic agriculture were laid. From then until today, many people have contributed to the development of biodynamic agriculture. It seems that the image of Maria Thun is the brightest. The fruit of scientific - research activity throughout her life is the Biodynamic calendar It has been published for 56 years and has been translated into more than 20 languages.
Some of the basic concepts in biodynamic agriculture will help us understand what Live Food is. These are Rhythm and Dynamics, Living Soil, Living Water, Plant Treatment, Balance, Demeter.